中華文化道統 大家學易經 復習網
Guiguzi Method in Taiwan
The Yang House Feng Shui
Children's Bedroom

Children's Bedroom


1. The wallpaper patterns in the children's room should be as simple as possible.
2. Avoid putting up any poster of weird-shaped animals on the wall.
3. Putting up any poster of warriors or fighters on the wall can cause children's aggressive behaviour.
4. Painting the walls in pink can cause irritation and bad-temper.
5. Avoid placing a crimson rug in the room.
6. The room with a plush carpet on the floor can cause respiratory problems.
7. Keep the room clean and tidy. If not, the children will become disorganized.
8. The bedroom door should not open to the right or the left side of the desk, or the back of children when they sit in front of the desk.
9. The desk should not face a bathroom.
10. Do not place the desk against a bathroom wall.
11. Neither the right nor the left side of the desk should face a bathroom door.
12. The children should not sit with their back to a bathroom door.
13. Avoid placing a desk under a roof beam.
14. Avoid sitting or sleeping under a roof beam.
15. Do not place a desk next to a bed as the corner of the desk may cause shoulder pain.
16. Do no place a desk in front of a window where often exposes to strong sunlight because the light will make the child feel irritated.
17. Do not sit with the back against a balcony sliding door.
18. Do not convert a balcony adjoined the bedroom into a study room. The empty space above and below will make the children feel insecure.
19. Do not place the desk right above a downstairs stove or under an upstairs stove.
20. Do not place the desk under or above a bathroom.
21. Do not place the desk against the same wall shared with a toilet.
22. Do not put a bunch of stuff in front of the desk.
23. Do not put a stereo on the desk.
24. Avoid having any electric pole, sharp angled roof, or neighboring wall aim at the desk.
25. The desk should not face a water tank or a straight alley that leads towards it.
26. The desk and the bed should not be situated above or under a water tank.
27. The desk and the bed should not be located above or under machines or motor pumps.
28. The desk and the bed should not be placed above a downstairs stove or under an upstairs stove.
29. The bed should not be positioned under any roof beams.
30. There should not be a balcony or outdoor space under a child's bedroom.
31. Avoid placing the desk or the bed above or under a toilet.
32. The bed and the desk should not be placed right under the rocks in the upstairs pond. .
33. There should not be any machines or pumps on the right side of the bed or the desk.
34. Do not place a ceiling fan on top of the bed or the desk.
35. Avoid installing an air conditioner or extractor fan above the headboard of the bed.
36. The bed should not be placed right under the upstairs ancestral tablet or Buddha statues in a family shrine.
37. A child’s bedroom door should not open to the head of the bed or either side of the bed.
38. A bathroom door should not open directly to a child's bed.
39. The bed headboard should not be right behind a toilet.
40. Avoid placing a stereo on the bed headboard as the music can affect the person's mind.
41. Avoid putting an alarm clock on the headboard.
42. The door of a child's bedroom should not face directly to a bathroom door.
43. Do not place a child’s room next to a machinery room.
44. Minimum animal toys and the dolls are suggested to be in the room.
45. Throw away any dolls or stuffed animals with broken or missing eyes.
46. Paint the ceiling in ivory color, not any dark colors.
47. A flat ceiling is preferred.
48. Overhead roof beams are not suggested in the room.
49. Avoid hanging any weird decorations on the ceiling.
50. Do not hang wind chimes in the room as the clinking sound can affect the mind.
51. Do not put a mirror facing the bedroom door as it can cause arguments.
52. The bedroom should be bright and well lit.
53. The curtain used in the room should not be pink, bright red or black.
54. Regardless the room's size, it should have some space for the kid to walk around in the bedroom.
55. Do not use glittering or colourful lights in the room.
56. If the window is facing west, it will let in strong sunlight in the room and cause impatience.
57. Do not locate a child's bedroom in a windy place. The strong wind is likely to make the child feel insecure.


行動版 | 電腦版 版權聲明 2004.01 開台

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