中華文化道統 大家學易經 復習網
Guiguzi Method in Taiwan
The Yang House Feng Shui
Family Shrine

Family Shrine


1. Both the walls and the floor of a family shrine should not be painted in pink.
2. The auspicious colors for the walls are ivory and cream.
3. Avoid placing too many Buddha sculptures in the shrine. Otherwise, the residents will not be at ease.
4. The design of altar table should be simple.
5. Clean the altar table every day.
6. Clean the incense burner on the first and the fifteenth day of each Chinese Lunar month.
7. Avoid moving the incense burner, when cleaning it.
8. It is better to place the Buddha statues at an area where the water flows towards it. Likewise, the water should not be seen flowing away from the location where the statues are.
9. The height of Buddha statue is not important. It is the sincerity and devotion of the worshiper that matter.
10. Avoid having a column in front of the Buddha statue.
11. Avoid having a nearby building corner point at the Buddha statue.
12. The statue should not face a water tank.
13. Avoid having electrical poles right in front of the statue.
14. Do not place a television under the statue.
15. Do not place a refrigerator under the statue.
16. Any alcoholic beverage should not be placed under the statue.
17. Placing a chair under the statue can cause a feeling of uneasiness.
18. Avoid having any dirty items under the statue.
19. Do not place the statue under a roof beam.
20. The area on the right side of the statue should be quiet.
21. A television should not be situated in front of the statue.
22. Do not hang the clothes in the front area.
23. Both the right and left side of the Buddha statue must not face any hallway.
24. Avoid having a straight hallway lead to the statue.
25. Do not place the Buddha statue against a wall that a toilet is right behind.
26. The statue should not face a stove.
27. The family shrine should be bright and well lit.
28. Keep the altar lamps placed at the front of the Buddha statue on all year long.
29. Avoid placing a black wooden plaque in front of the statue.
30. A family shrine should not be located in a place where is extremely hot.
31. It is better to place a family shrine in an area where the residents are always around and pay their respect to Buddhas.
32. The height of placing a Buddha statue should comply with the measurement marking, Cai or Ben, on Wen Gong Measuring Tape. Both words Cai and Ben represent fortune.
33. The altar table does not need to be luxurious or splendid looking.
34. The altar table should be kept clean all the time.
35. Avoid placing the Buddha statue on the top floor of the house.
36. Dress properly when visiting the family shrine.
37. The auspicious height of a censer is about 14cm.
38. The censer material should be solid.
39. It is suggested to paste a piece of red paper, about the size of one dollar coin, on the front side of incense burner.
40. The height of an altar table should meet with the measurement marking, Cai or Ben, on Wen Gong Measuring Tape.
41. The height of Buddha statue is not important. It is the solemn and kind look of the statue that does matter.
42. The material of Buddha statue can be wood, ceramic, or metal.
43. It is fine to worship a Buddha painting, as long as you are sincere.
44. It's fine to worship a red paper written with the Buddha’s name on it as long as you are sincere.
45. Enshrine too many Buddha statues at home will create double-minded.
46. It is better for us to fully understand the background of Buddha statue we worship at home.


行動版 | 電腦版 版權聲明 2004.01 開台

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