中華文化道統 大家學易經 復習網
Promoter of World Peace - Grand Master Huen-Yuan
How propagating Chinese culture contributes to world peace

The way to world peace lies in culture. Encouraging and propagating Peace Culture will help achieve true world peace. Our educational and religious activities initiate, transmit, and broadcast Peace Culture. Its vision embraces the world and its fulfillment is expected in the future. Peace Culture sees the past and seizes the present. It goes beyond time and space. It unites the universe, the earth and humanity.

Chinese culture is a culture of goodness (善性文化) and peace, the quintessence of which lies in Yi-Ching (易經). The study of Yi is the study of peace. It illustrates the harmonic key laws of the universe that govern heaven, the earth, humanity, deities, and all living creatures. All are harmonized at the level we call “Oneness” (Tao). “Oneness” is the balance and peace of everything and of universal harmony. It is aligned with time, space, heaven, the earth, humanity, and deities. It encompasses relations within each individual, between individuals, between humanity and their environment, between humanity and space-time, and between humanity and that beyond our mortal perception. The way of Tao is the way of harmony and balance, concordance, and universal world peace.

Weixinism was created by Grand Master Huen-Yuan to propagate Chinese culture and its essence in the study of the Yi-Ching and Feng-Shui (易經風水學). His goal is the achievement of world peace. He has lived his commitment for the past 28 years through religion and education. “Shi Tao Tian Xin” - the heart-oriented practice – is a defining principal governing his life. Master Huen-Yuan explains the consistency of time and space, works to trace the origin of being, and respects deities and ancestors. He also encourages filial piety and illustrates the orthodox lineage of the Chinese culture, which is based on “Public,” “Action,” ”Benevolence,” ”Neutrality,” “Honesty”. With these, he spreads and develops Peace Culture, which combines with Chinese Confucianism, Taoism, Buddhism, Zen, and ancient philosophies. Education and religion have been his vehicles for sharing Chinese culture, Peace Study, Yi-Ching and Feng Shui throughout the world. The influence and contribution of these four to world peace are immeasurable and boundless in both visible and invisible ways. They enhance and guide mankind along its evolutionary pathway. Mastery promises future enlightenment, with peace as its ultimate and lasting result.

行動版 | 電腦版 版權聲明 2004.01 開台

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