IV. Grand Master Huen-Yuan leads Weixinism to integrate different nations and ethnic groups. 1. Actively moving toward the source; Promoting Chinese culture; Encouraging ethnic solidarity. (1). Rectify mistaken concepts in current Yi-Ching and Feng Shui studies to establish correct ideas.
![]() Yi-Ching involves Feng Shui. Viewed from the perspective of traditional philosophy, Feng Shui addresses the study of human interactions with other persons, with nature, and with their social and cultural environments. Feng Shui is a form of cultural ecology and the study of environmental protection. It is a world view that regards people, architecture, and nature as a single unity. Accordingly, contemporary landscape architecture and arcology both take traditional Feng Shui theories as its ground. Furthermore, due to its emphasis on the harmonization between people and architecture as well as that between people and the natural environment, Feng Shui is not superstition. Rather, it bridges science with humanity. It is environmental psychology and a study of balance and reconciliation that leads people to spiritual harmony. Grand Master Huen-Yuan has made great efforts to expound correct Feng Shui concepts over his many years of practice. He says, “The messages that people receive and feel via their sensory organs, such as the eyes, ears, nose, tongue, and body, all enter the sub-consciousness. After inner transformation, these messages influence our perception and conceptualization.” Thus, the promotion and application of Feng Shui doctrines are the essence of social harmony as well as the base that affects the ability of people to think correctly. To modify widely biased concepts related to Feng Shui, Grand Master Huen-Yuan stressed in his book Feng Shui World View (《風水宇宙觀》) (1995), “Feng Shui is the prime mover in the birth and the death of the great universe. It is the talisman of human livelihood as well as the invisible power that connects people. Human beings cannot survive on earth without Feng Shui. Feng Shui is certainly indispensible to prosperity in one’s career.” In order to propagate the correct rules of Feng Shui, Master Huen-Yuan held the “Propagating the Dharma of Feng Shui for the Home” (陽宅風水弘法傳法大會) convention on March 24th, 1995 in of the Linkou National Taiwan Sport University stadium, attended by more than 36,000. Such a tremendous turnout underscores the interest and concern modern society places on the proper practice of Feng Shui. Master Huen-Yuan remarked at the convention, “Feng Shui is part of the Yi-Ching. The supreme states of Yi-Ching and Feng Shui will deliver the union of heaven and humankind.” He has a thorough understanding of this truth and since the very start of his practice he has worked diligently to get the proper message out for all to hear and keep in their hearts. He also encourages people to meld with Nature and abide by the law of reconciliation in order to survive. He says, “If we can insist on the law, it is expected that our philosophy of life would be replete with confidence, joy and happiness.” ![]() ![]() For nearly three decades, Master Huen-Yuan has promoted orthodox Yi-Ching and Feng Shui persistently. He encourages children to read Yi-Ching to help this important cultural legacy continue and grow in future generations. He noted, “Orthodox Yi-Ching and Feng Shui are the spirit and origin of our belief. They are, moreover, a wonder bequeathed us by our ancient sages. I have taught the essence of this treasured wisdom for twenty-eight years, and have received advice, critiques and challenges from all corners. Through this process I have found that this is truly the correct doctrine that benefits all people . Knowledge and devotion to this doctrine is growing worldwide. Already, hundreds of thousands have benefitted from personal counseling and millions have connected with us through our television broadcasts. This proves that Yi-Ching and Feng Shui are crucial not only to people, family and career, but to the society and nation as well.” This is the reason that Master Huen-Yuan continues to encourage everyone to study Yi-Ching. He remarks, |