中華文化道統 大家學易經 復習網
Promoter of World Peace - Grand Master Huen-Yuan
How propagating Chinese culture contributes to world peace
Weixinism propagates Chinese culture and Yi-Ching.
Chinese culture is a culture of peace.     

II. Weixinism propagates Chinese culture and Yi-Ching.

Chinese culture is a culture of peace.
A follower of world peace - The suzerain of Holy Weixinism, Grand Master Huen-Tuan

1. Chinese culture is a culture of peace.

Peace is a basic human value. Peace culture is innovative in the way that it is a cultural work that borrows and integrates myriad elements. The integrative nature of peace culture is similar to Chinese culture, which is based on affinity and ethnicity within the Chinese race. Such was critical in merging the many formerly disparate cultural systems throughout what is today China and its borderland nations into one coherent ethnic whole. Chinese culture is thus polygenetic and pluralistic. The evolution of Chinese culture began in the remote past, in a time when our ancestors applied their wisdom to adapt to their environment. Long-term dialogue with Nature helped early Chinese to realize gradually the key principles necessary for harmonious relations between heaven and earth, the sun and moon, mountains and rivers, and wind and thunder. This understanding led to their creation of the laws of operation under presumptions of a oneness between time and space and the interconnectedness of heaven, earth and humanity. Moreover, Chinese culture learned to respect all living creatures, with which our ancestors established and maintained harmonious relationships. This gave rise to the philosophical idea of “unity between the universe and humanity”. This is the origin of universal peace culture.

The founding Master of Holy Weixinism - Bodhisattva Wang Chan Lao Zu.

During the era of the Three Great Ancestors (the Yellow Emperor, Yan Emperor, and Chi You) more than five thousand years ago, disparate clans had already been united and different cultures already merged into a coherently “Chinese” culture. Respectful of cultural diversity, the nation maintained and managed diversity by treating all equitably in order to promote mutual harmony and peace. Sharing global resources in a fairly and creating positive, peaceful, and interdependent relations with various religions, social communities, and ethnic groups were part of the contemporary order. Today, global humanity lives in an age of unprecedented cultural diversity and intermingling. Chinese culture’s tolerant origins and many thousands of years of cultural fusion and development can provide a concrete model for global peace culture and a shining example for modern world civilization. This achievement was attained via an orthodox cultural lineage passed unbroken down through the generations.

Ancient wisdom was further enhanced and improved by Confucianism’s core values of “honesty,” “benevolence,” “neutrality,” “action,” and ”public.” Among these five, “benevolence” is the substance of orthodoxy and represents all merits such as filial piety, straightforwardness, politeness, faith, and forgiveness (孝、直、禮、忠、恕), which are supreme principles of human behavior. “Benevolence” is the act of love. A benevolent person loves people and all living things and represents peace culture in its primary state. The “middle way” is the spirit and the way of balance. It is impartial and encapsulates the union of the universe and people. It is just, unique, and peaceful. Its purpose is to create balanced harmony. It is the dynamic mechanism that maintains universal balance. In addition, the middle way leads human beings to transform competition into cooperation and conflict into reconciliation. It is the foundation of peace. “Public” refers to an ideal state or a world that operates for the benefit of all. It is the path that humanity must follow to reach world peace. It is the state of universal harmony and cosmopolitanism.

The Three Great Chinese Ancestors: the ancestor of civilozation - Tellow Emperor(Middle); the ancestor of agriculture and medicine - Yen Emperor(Right); the ancestor of industry - Chi You(Lift).

Confucianism lies at the heart of Chinese cultural orthodoxy, and harmony is its supreme state. It encourages unity, including harmony and self-cultivation within the individual and reconciliation with nature and humanity. Its goal is the creation of a harmonic society and world. Today, it has developed into the framework of modern universal peace culture.

Plato (423-347 B.C.) and Aristotle (384-322 B.C.) were ancient Greece’s most insightful and influential philosophers. They both loved wisdom and pursued truth (genuineness, goodness and beauty) with great courage and dedication. Their philosophies undergird modern Western culture. Plato was the most influential of the two. He stated “supreme good” to be the ultimate reason for existence and “justice” to be his personal political philosophy. Both ideas are critical to the future attainment of lasting world peace. Harvard University encourages its students with the motto, “Let Plato be your friend, and Aristotle, but more let your friend be truth.” There is another saying that goes,“ While you cannot choose your land of birth, you can choose where your soul makes its home.” Chinese culture’s seven thousand years of history and development, its outstanding achievements and numerous sages, have bequeathed us with many cultural classics. These lead us on the path of truth and in search of a home for our souls. The sustained and singular devotion of Chinese culture to world peace deserves greater research and exploration today.

行動版 | 電腦版 版權聲明 2004.01 開台

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